Eat a Lemon

because its sour

Convert int to char

Here is the technique for converting an integer to a char array. I once had this as an interview question.
Modulo 10 picks off the last digit of the integer and an integer divide by 10 gets the next character.

223 % 10 = 3
223 / 10 = 22
22 % 10 = 2
22 / 10 = 2
2 % 10 = 2
2 / 10 = 0

Then we get it in reverse.
We either have to calculate the length of the integer ahead of time or reverse the string once it is made.


int int_to_char(int integer, char* str, int str_len_max) {
    int len = 0; 
    if(integer < 0) {
        len = 1;
        *str = '-';
    int test = integer;
    while(test != 0) {
        test = test / 10;
    if( len+1 > str_len_max) {
        return -1;
    int count = len;
    *(str + count) = '';
    for(count=len; count>0; count--) {
        *(str + count-1) = (char)((integer % 10) + 48);
        integer = integer / 10;
    return len;
int timestamp(struct tm* ptm, char* timestamp, int len) {
    time_t ltime; /* calendar time */
    ltime=time(NULL); /* get current cal time */
    ptm = gmtime(&ltime);
    char year[5];
    char mon[3];
    char day[3];
    char hour[3];
    char min[3];
    char sec[3];

    int s = int_to_char(ptm->tm_year+1900, year, 5);
    printf("%i: %s\n", s, year);

    if(ptm->tm_mon < 10) {
        mon[0] = '0';
        mon[1] = (char)(ptm->tm_mon + 48);
        mon[2] = '\0';
    } else {
        int_to_char(ptm->tm_mon, mon, 3);
    if(ptm->tm_mday < 10) {
        day[0] = '0';
        day[1] = (char)(ptm->tm_mday + 48);
        day[2] = '\0';
    } else {
       int_to_char(ptm->tm_mday, day, 3);

    if(ptm->tm_hour < 10) {
        hour[0] = '0';
        hour[1] = (char)(ptm->tm_hour + 48);
        hour[2] = '\0';
    } else {
        int_to_char(ptm->tm_hour, hour, 3);

    if(ptm->tm_min < 10) {
        min[0] = '0';
        min[1] = (char)(ptm->tm_min + 48);
        min[2] = '\0';
    } else {
        int_to_char(ptm->tm_min, min, 3);
    if(ptm->tm_sec < 10) {
        sec[0] = '0';
        sec[1] = (char)(ptm->tm_sec + 48);
        sec[2] = '\0';
    } else {
        int_to_char(ptm->tm_sec, sec, 3);

    int bytes = snprintf(timestamp, len, "%s%s%s%s%s%s", year, mon, day, hour, min, sec);
    return bytes;